Want to know more?
Every business has a tale to tell. And our story so far has been anything but ordinary! We navigated our share of stumbling blocks along the way (especially in the early days). But when we pulled together as a team, there was always one constant—the drive to perfect our craft and become a recognized name in our field. Even as our company has grown, we've never lost our desire to learn. And there are lessons to be learned with each new challenge.
Dott. W. Bosco F. Zolk
Studio di Odontoiatria Olistica
Via Maggio 1C
CH-6900 Lugano
IDI: CHE – 270.484.868
Odontoiatra, Consulente medicale e
creatore della tecnologia QIMB
- Wolfram Bosco Friedrich ZOLK, nato 16.03.1956, Germania
- Laureato in odontoiatria 1986,
- Bayerische Julius-Maximiliansuniversität, Würzburg, Germania
- Studiato biologia umana, medicina e odontoiatria presso Phillips Universität, Marburg, Germania
- Perfezionamenti da 1988 in E.A.V. (Elettroagopuntura sec. Voll), omeopatia e medicina naturale
- Insegnante e relatore di EAV odontoiatrica
- Varie publicazioni
- Da 1987 attivo come odontoiatra olistico in Germania, Italia e Svizzera
- Pratico odontoiatria olistica basata sul EAV e biorisonanza, omeopatia, naturopatia, terapia neurale, terapia cranio-sacrale, elettroterapia, terapia informazionale, matrix comunicazione, ayurveda e tantra-yoga
- Supervisore per la coscienza, la salute, leadership and power in management
- Creatore della tecnologia QIMB